Monday, July 11, 2011

Day One: I'm Doin' A Detox!

Meditation. I sit still against the wall with pillows to soften the hardness. Dusk approaches and as the flaming, blazing sun that has all day oppressed the land with agonizing heat fades, my energy grows. The last bits of shimmer sparkles on the horizon. I close my eyes.

Breathe in, one two three. Hold it in. Keep it in. Keep my thoughts together. Keep my my mind straight.

Today, I wanted to begin a spiritual detox. After a recent visit to my doctor, I was told to change my thought pattern. By doing so, my physical and mental health would improve. His words were absolutely simple:

"You chose to be happy. Do what makes you happy."

Well, I already know what makes me happy. Knitting. Playing with my children. Cats. My soft comforter. Good music. Having a good nights rest. Those are just the first few things among many that bring me to blessed contentment. Yet there is one that is a we bit touchy with me: Being with family...


My doctor did address this. He told me that the smallest unit of our lives is family. He said it was said that the material world oppresses us into breaking down the bonds with our families. On the flip side, the only thing we truly have is the connection to our families. The flows of the world try to pull apart these things.

Isn't that so correct?

I have been listening to an audio book by Dzogchen Ponlop called "Rebel Buddha: On The Road To Freedom". The main theme on the chapter I just finished is that we are the ones who create drama outside of ourselves because of the thoughts and feelings that we assume inside ourselves. If we just follow the dharma (Buddhist teachings) we will no longer have the drama in our lives and in the relationships with others.

It is a great read (er, listen for me) so far. I play it on my iPod at night, after the little ones are softly sleeping, pick up some knitting, and let the words flow into me.

May the path of light bring you great fortune.